I opened my Christmas package from my Mom the other night. The last gift I opened was a flashlight. When I saw it I wondered what I was going to do with it. But I quickly realized that I have no idea how I got along without it. I hear a funny noise, out comes my Flashlight. I need to write something really quick, out comes my Flashlight. I need to go to the kitchen in the dark, out comes my flashlight. I love it. Seriously the best gift ever. So I decided to write a poem for it. (Yes, I know this is silly.)
An ode to my flashlight
That sit's upon my nightstand.
A Christmas gift I thought as silly
That turned out to be quite lovely.
Night upon night as my roommate slumbers,
I no longer stub my toes,
Rifle through papers,
Or fall on my face in the dark.
I find things with ease,
With my Flashlight, life's a breeze
I have but one thing to say, to the buyer of this gift.
"Thank you, Dear Mama!"
You knew just what to get!
Love it Megan! Your mama knew what you would need! Mama's are like that. . . Love you sweetie. Cindy F