Saturday, December 29, 2012

An Ode to My Flashlight

I opened my Christmas package from my Mom the other night. The last gift I opened was a flashlight. When I saw it I wondered what I was going to do with it. But I quickly realized that I have no idea how I got along without it. I hear a funny noise, out comes my Flashlight. I need to write something really quick, out comes my Flashlight. I need to go to the kitchen in the dark, out comes my flashlight. I love it. Seriously the best gift ever. So I decided to write a poem for it. (Yes, I know this is silly.)

An ode to my flashlight
That sit's upon my nightstand.

A Christmas gift I thought as silly
That turned out to be quite lovely.

Night upon night as my roommate slumbers,
I no longer stub my toes,

Rifle through papers,
Or fall on my face in the dark.

I find things with ease,
With my Flashlight, life's a breeze

I have but one thing to say, to the buyer of this gift.
"Thank you, Dear Mama!"

You knew just what to get!

Monday, December 10, 2012

I Am Iron Man (Or Iron Maiden)

Over these last few days, I have been spending my down time immersed in Marvel's superhero movies, specifically Iron Man and Spider Man. As I'm watching them, my internal commentary is, "Oh wow! Wouldn't it be cool to be Iron Man?" And embarrassingly enough, if I'm home alone, I will extend my arm and "zap" things in my way. Then I realize that I am like Iron Man. Totally cool, right?

Tony Stark was hurt badly in an explosion and the only way to be saved was to have a new power source implanted where his heart was. That's totally me! I was in some serious pain before I came to know Jesus. However, God inserted a new power source inside of my body to give me life, and that was the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I am Iron Man.

Tony Stark also had to redesign his armor several times because he kept getting so banged up. That's me as well. During all the attacks I have with the enemy, I continually have to ask God to rebuild me. To make me stronger, wiser, and better to fight in this battle that goes on every day! Therefore, I am Iron Man.

Iron Man gets beat up pretty often, but the cool thing is that he always wins. In all good superhero movies, the good guy always wins. Always. I know I get beat up. I end my day with some pretty gnarly war wounds, but I know I always end the day a victor because of the power source that lives within me. Therefore, I am Iron Man.

Being in a relationship with the one true God never ceases to totally rock my world, and I pray that today He rocks yours.